Daniel Brandt

Mobile: 505.677.9754

Sotheby's International Realty
231 Washington Avenue
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Fax: 505.984.5191

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Daniel Brandt

Biography for Daniel Brandt

Daniel has called New Mexico home since 1987 when he arrived the summer before high school. Prior to that and since, he has lived in most regions of the country and many parts of the world, including three years of residence in England and travel throughout Europe. These experiences of foray to places far and wide pursuing study and career goals allow Daniel to recognize what a very special place Santa Fe is; this town offers the closest feel to living in Europe available in North America.

Daniel is deeply appreciative of Santa Fes stunning natural beauty, diversity of culture, internationally recognized performing arts scene, vibrant art market, and deserved reputation for culinary excellence. As such, he instinctually recognizes what brings people here to visit, and why so many that could choose to live most anywhere decide to make Santa Fe their home.

Daniels training in the real estate industry took place in the very competitive Seattle area Vashon Island market, where he was recognized as being the most successful first year agent in the history of the island. This led to dozens of successful closings throughout the Puget Sound region, often with repeat clients. Daniel realizes that every client is unique and focuses first and foremost on developing a clear understanding of their needs. He swiftly and skillfully facilitates impactful engagement with clients, the agent(s) on the other side of the table, title & escrow officers, various types of lenders, and all types of service providers. Clients and colleagues alike remark that Daniel is highly skilled at effective communication; his goal is to ensure that his clients experience throughout the transaction is fluid, seamless, and characterized by an expectation of excellence.

As a younger man, Daniel was a prominent violinist and artist teacher. He performed as a Concertmaster, principle/leader, chamber musician, and soloist in Santa Fe, throughout the American Southwest, California, Mexico, New York, and Europe. Many of his students have gone on to their own successful careers in music, indeed, one of his former students is currently studying with Itzhak Perlman. Daniel continues to perform as time allows, and dearly loves working with his two sons as they pursue their own study of piano, cello, and violin.

Ive applied the same discipline and attention to my study of the real estate industry that I relied on to become a musician that was both a successful performer and an emissary committed to connecting people. The result is that Ive acquired a comprehensive and evolving understanding of the industry and its people that I will put to work for you.

Being involved in real estate is a beautiful dream. It provides this amazing opportunity to meet and work with so many interesting and dynamic people, and Ive learned that its a great gift to be part of helping people reach their real estate goals.

Daniel is a licensed real estate broker in New Mexico and Washington State.